Syekh Puji Info

Pujiono Cahyo Widianto efforts alias Syeh Puji to be able to marry and gather with Lutviana Ulfah again failed. Yesterday (12/11), the request received the age dispensation -because Ulfah was not yet even 16 years in accordance with the condition for regulations- was refused by the Religious Court (PA) the Semarang Regency.

Decided by us the dispensation request married (Syeh Puji with) Lutviana Ulfah was refused. Because, pemohon did not produce proof and the witness, said Dra Rochanah SH, the chairman of the judge's council PA the Semarang Regency, yesterday information from The decision of the judge was made after the session with the agenda pemanggilan the father Ulfah, Suroso, 35, as pemohon and heard Ulfah information as this witness being not attended by the side pemohon.

After the session that took place short this, Rochanah explained that pemohon should produced Ulfah to be listened to by his information. Or 'at least had power of attorney that justified the Ulfah age not all that and wanted to receive the age dispensation', he explained. He said, if in the Suroso future lodged the dispensation request again, his side continue to received.

But', not necessarily was granted', he stressed. As being known, the marriage siri that was carried out by the owner PT Sinar Lendoh Terang Pujiono Cahyo Widianto, 43, with Ulfah on August 8 2008 became the sharp focus of the mass media as well as Komnas Perlindungan of the Child.


[kurni]Awan_cLIK3rz said...

no women no cry...hehe...
syekh puji?aku tak peduli...wuaah...gk mudeng, bahasa londo maH..-salam persaHabatan-

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