Info about Police arrested the thug

Now I read news about preman which take it by Polisi. His aim certainly to give the safe feeling, the protection, and peace for the community. This the task of the country and police were inside. This in accordance with UU 2/2002 about Republic of Indonesia State Police. Bandung - the War on the thug, crept everywhere. Although now just was proclaimed for five Regional Police - Metro Jaya, Central Java, Jogjakarta, East Java, and North Sumatra, but the other area also began to pick up the ball.

Regional Police West Java, South Sulawesi, and Bangka-Belitung also has begun waged war on the disturbing crime this community. In the Penang Starting Point city, only very much the blow, 21 thugs succeeded in being scratched.

In Makassar yesterday was caught by 120 thugs. So also in Bandung that very much the operation menadapatkan more adri 100 thugs. Regional Police Chief West Javanese Irjen Pol Timur Pradopo through Head of Sector Humas Kombes Pol Dade Achmad said, anyone that took disturbing measures the community will be had action taken against him. Who he.

Regional Police Chief also skimmed related rumours of the existence of the TNI element who supported the activity of the thugs.from say Uptil now police did not find the involvement of the TNI element in the thug's raid. So if having rumours was like this, definitely not to be believed, Regional Police Chief's words yesterday.

Nevertheless, continued Regional Police Chief, if evidently had the TNI element or police, his side was not shy to process him. Because, said he, the policy of the thug's raid and lackeys him was current the public. So, anyone who became the security agitator or they who protected the existence of the thug must submit to this policy. As the upholder of the law, we will not cut down chose, he explained. Regional Police Chief explained, the policy merazia the thug initially came from the community's information that often direpotkan with their presence. Moreover, the police rank had responsibility of maintaining the condition for the security in order to stay stable.


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