Condition The Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang

Heavy rain in Semarang and surrounding area for the last two days paralysed the Pantura traffic route (the north coast).

Thousands of vehicles -began the bus, the truck, to the personal vehicle- that headed the east direction, through to last night still was kept in Kendal. Whereas that headed the west direction, many that chose to be waiting in Demak.

The flood that destroyed Kendal, Semarang, until Demak was caused by the overflowing of several rivers that crossed three areas. Including the Bodri River in the Kendal-Semarang border, Banjir Kanal Barat in the area of Mangkang Semarang Barat, and the Banjir Kanal Timur River that was in the Genuk area, Semarang Timur. In Kendal, Sungai Blorong also took part in overflowing.

Through to last night, not less than five thousand head of household were in the Semarang City evacuated. The official from the Semarang Municipal Government, the Central Javan Provincial Government, Basarnas, the TNI, and Republic of Indonesia State Police at once involved the team to carry out the evacuation. They used hundreds of rubber boats to carry the resident who was trapped by the flood.


Template by : kendhin