Dr Achmad Subagio MAgr (The modification of Gaplek Flour)

Why was interested researching flour gaplek? According to the lecturer in the Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Faculty in the Jember University, flour gaplek or cassava flour was uptil now impressed inferior.

"His impression uptil now, if the person until ate gaplek that how come really poor In Fact, continued Subagio, cassava was the crop that a large number of in Indonesia." "Moreover, according to the FAO data (the UN agency that was an expert in the problem" of "food) 2004, Indonesia was the producer" of "biggest cassava in the world after five other countries"

After a year researched, finally Subagio succeeded in modifying flour gaplek became the material that just like the benefit. His findings were given by the Modified Cassava Flour name (Mocal)in jawapos.com, that is cassava flour was modified.

The process blessing of chemistry that was applied to Mocal, of Subagio succeeded in making flour gaplek had the level of the viscosity (the viscosity) and the level of high batter elasticity. from "If flour gaplek that could not be made the production material" of the "cake, Mocal flour made by us can ". GoodLuck


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