Situation and Condition Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai India

News from India,In the most luxurious Hotel in Mumbai the terrorist's group was still carrying out the violent opposition.

By at dusk, around struck 17,00 local time, two big explosions and the whizzing of the shooting of the weapon canned be heard from one of the floors of the hotel belonging to the conglomerate of the Group of the Order. According to Chief-of-Police Mumbai Hasan Gafur, after the attack repeatedly by special forces, it was estimated still was sseorang the terrorist who remained in the hotel bertarif Rp 10 million per that night. from He 'carried the AK weapon and several grenades on his body', he said last night.

Although being alone, this terrorist apparently abstention surrendered. He from time to time shot went out of the hotel so as the reporter and Indian police ran in all directions and took shelter over the car. The situation was not inferior tense happened in Chabad House, the Jewish settlement complex in Mumbai, that only be at a distance five minutes of the car trip from the Taj Mahal Hotel. By midnight earlier, troops of Komando India succeeded in releasing Chabad House from the terrorist's grip.

The foreign citizen, including five Indonesian residents who worked in the Oberoi Hotel as spa therapist. According to the Spokesperson's Foreign Affairs Department information (the Foreign Affairs Department) Teuku Faizasyah, the five Indonesian citizens came from Bali. They were I Gusti Ayu Putu Sri Rahayu from the Penebel Klod Series, Tabanan; the Agung Child the Wife Komang Tri Astina; Ni Kadek Edi Damayanti, 24, from the Sasih Series, Desa Medahan, Gianyar; Ni Nyoman Sri Arini from the Taman Sari Village, Bangli; and Ni Luh Gede Mahendrayani.

Condition(read more was imprisoned by Teroris, Kadek Telepon Ortu Bisik, ed) The hostages were afterwards accompanied to the location of their aim by several vehicles, the bus as well as the ambulance. Among them who were released was approximately 20 crews that most were the West resident. Several crews that succeeded in being rescued that put on the Lufthansa uniform and France Water. Home Minister Negara Bagian Maharasthra R.R. Patel said, as far as this is concerned, nine terrorists succeeded in being killed in the series of the operation in the Taj Mahal Hotel.


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