Ryan Be ready to be sentenced to death

Info about Ryan, i read article so The process of the law against Very Idham Henyansyah alias Ryan, 30, entered the new round.

Yesterday he began to be tried in the District Court (PN) Depok, West Java, was in the case of the murder accompanied by mutilation against Heri Santoso. As though knowing the punishment threat that will snare him, the man who was called by the Jombang Trader appeared calm. Did not appear at all the tension on his face. He also appeared the difference, put on shirt clothes and the white cap. Before the session, the resident Tembelang, Jombang, of East Java, that admitted to being ready to accept the punishment was most difficult even.

I 'was ready to be sentenced to death',' said Ryan to the reporter in the female place of detention PN Kota Depok before the session. In the session yesterday, Ryan was accused with multiple charges. The primary accusation was the article 340 KUHP about the premeditated murder with the death sentence threat. Afterwards, the accusation subsider the article 339 KUHP about the murder that joined by the thing robbery with the lifelong punishment threat. Ryan also dikenai the accusation more subsider the article 338 KUHP that intentionally eliminated the life of the other person with the punishment threat 15.

Not only the family that met Ryan. The former leading figure of the thug that currently to mubalig, Anton Medan, also did not want to be left behind. Since Ryan was kept in Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police, Anton admitted to becoming his spiritual teacher. source article jawapos.com Anton also that asked Ryan to put on shirt clothes and the cap. The public prosecutor 'could forbid Ryan to wear the robe that was given by me', he said. The ban also came from PN Depok. However, when speaking with the court's side, finally Ryan was permitted to put on this robe.

In the meantime, the conference room was filled up by dozens of visitors and the reporter. Many groups of the mother and the young child that want to saw Ryan's face from nearby. Whatever', Ryan?' 'Ask him Ati, 40.' The curious feeling could be fulfilled after he saw into the conference room. Oo', that of Ryan', he said. As being reported, Ryan killed at least eleven people. A person (Heri Santoso) in Depok and ten people in Jombang. Ten bodies were buried behind Ryan's house in Tembelang, Jombang. The case expression was handled two Regional Police. That is, Regional Police


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