Eksekusi Amrozy Cs Pukul 00.00 This Morning

Today I look chanell on television, news info about eksekusi Amrozy Cs. I very panic about this news. the trio bali bombing= Amrozi, muchlis and imam Samudera is dead by sniper from Brimob.

The trio of the accused died the case of the Priest's bali bombing the Ocean, Ali Ghufron alias Mukhlas, and Amrozi. around struck 00,00 WIB at dawn has dieksekusi in the middle of the citrus fruit plantation in the second-hand region of the Nirbaya Detention Centre, Nusakambangan.

Ended has narrated the trio of the accused died the case of the Amrozi bali bombing, Ali Ghufron alias Mukhlas, and the Priest the Ocean. Live ammunition 5,6 millimetre that was taken off by the team shot Brimob Regional Police Central Java exact to the side of the heart, claimed their life.

The execution was carried out in the middle of the citrus fruit plantation in the second-hand region of the Nirbaya Detention Centre, Nusakambangan, after rain splashed around struck 00,00 WIB at dawn earlier.

The procedure continue to the criminal conduct died mentioned that the execution with shot died was carried out by 12 people. However, only six weapons that contained live ammunition, the rest of the empty. Whatever that was empty, whatever that not, there is none that knew. His aim reduced the psychological burden of the executioner. After didor, the perpetrators's three bodies of the bombing that killed 202 people in Bali in 2002 were carried by litter and were carried by the ambulance.

Source article from jawapos.com. The three of them then diotopsi by the team of the police doctor, including being sewn by the wound on his back because broken was attacked hot tin from the distance around 10 metre. The process of the picking up through to the return of the body to the medical clinic only took up time around 2 hours -according to plan originally.

The execution of the trio of the bali bombing accused was the biggest execution that had been spread out. Mem-back up Regional Police Central Java, Mabes Republic of Indonesia State Police all out in carrying out the operation, began pre, during, and pascaeksekusi. "We only anticipation" of "his security." Was not in the process of his execution involved, said Kabareskrim Komjen Pol Susno Duadji when being contacted last night.

The security was anticipated by Directorate I Keamanan and Transnational Bareskrim as well as Densus 88/Antiteror that were spread in several important locations. "This process all under Deops Republic of Indonesia State Police," said Director Polisi Udara Babinkam Republic of Indonesia State Police Briggen Pol Bambang Tjahyono when being contacted. His side assigned three helicopters for this operation.

How many of his funds? "We did not yet understand because later was counted later, how much oil that was finished et cetera," he acknowledged. Apart from the helicopter, that was most striking was deploy 1 battalion or one thousand personnel brimob to Nusakambangan. Kadiv Humas Republic of Indonesia State Police Irjen Pol R. Abu Bakar Nataprawira also did not yet know the budget size for this operation.


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