Cangkok Organ from the Induk Cell

Today i read article from newspaper jawapos in London - the Breakthrough was historic in the medical world again happened. The first time in the world, the team of the doctor was successful mencangkokkan the intact organ that was developed in the laboratory used the parent cell of the patient personally.

The success became the new history because of succeeding in eliminating the main barrier in the operation cangkok, that is the refusal of the donor cell. In this way, the operation cangkok the network of the body could be currently carried out without must use medicine anti the lifelong refusal. The team of the European doctor believed in this method possibly can become the standard standard of transplantation in the future.

The phenomenal operation started from efforts to cure the patient of a Kolombia birth woman named Claudia Castillo, 30. He summoned up courage as the first person who underwent the artificial operation of the organ transplant from the parent cell personally that because almost could not breathe.

The only road to rescue single mother this was with transplantation. But, the operation that was handled by the team of the international scientist this time was different from other transplantation. To make the respiratory tract new for Castillo, the team of the doctor in Barcelona took the respiratory tract from the donor of a woman was 51 years that died resulting from the brain tumour old.

Used the strong chemical and the enzyme, the team of the doctor eliminated all the cells from the donor respiratory tract and only left one network of the connector that was made from hollow protein collagen. In the operation that took place last June in the Clinic Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, the team of the doctor took the parent cell of the Castillo spinal cord. They then combined him with the network of the connector from the donor in a special media that was developed in Milan Polytechnic, Italia. The prospective organ was afterwards allowed to grow naturally to the cell of dangerous bones.

Dr Paolo Macchiarini, the head of the operation thorax in the Clinic Hospital, Barcelona, explained, the patient could come back enjoyed the normal life without showing signs of the refusal completely. He again stressed, the first operation the intact organ transplant from the parent cell of the patient indeed did not have the damaging side-effect. The potential for 'his refusal almost zero percent', he stressed yesterday (19/11).

Martin Birchall, the surgeon in University of Bristol that took part in treating Castillo, also said was proud of results of this operation. He was sure, in the near future this breakthrough will be far more developing. From now on', the surgeons could see and understand the potential function' of the 'parent cell' of the 'adult', he explained. The life expectancy of patients who contracted the serious illness then increased by this medical breakthrough blessing. Birchall said, in the next 20 years, transplantation of some sort organs could be carried out with this method. The team of the medical expert who consisted of experts in the operation of University of Padua and Polytechnic of Milan in Italia stated, the clinical trial will go in time five years, began.

The cell was mentioned had the characteristics stem cell (stemness) if well-off meregenerasi himself (self renewal). The capacity, in the medical world, succeeded in being developed into one of the scientific methods of treating the illness in humankind.

The superiority of transplantation stem cell, according to Prof Dr Walujo Soerjodibroto that was the team's Indonesian member to stem cell, stem cell that ditransplantasikan did not disrupt immune the human body. However, had a function of improving cells in the broken body or almost did not function the alias was sick. Although giving the fresh wind for the medical world, transplantation stem cell still was very expensive because of must be produced in Swiss.

In the period three days, stem cell that was produced immediately must enter the human body. Exceeded three days, the cell will not die and function. His process that still was complicated and was using high technology so that made him expensive, he revealed


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