Chris John used SRIT for the Place of the Exercise

Tokyo, on Friday - the WBA World Champion of the hair class, Chris John, reluctantly practised in sasana Kadoebi, that became the training Hiroyuki Enoki place. He worried the special technique that was studied by him while practising in Australia could be known despite this.

The "committee's Japanese side provided the training place that was same for Chris and Enoki." However we felt not comfortable with the place, said the assistant manager Harry apostr s Gym, Toni Priatna, on Friday (17/10).

According to Toni, the coach Chris John, Craig Christian, indeed gave special the techniques to face Enoki. The management side also brought the special implement that could menyesuiakan with the condition for the temperature in a country. Indeed, the Japanese side scheduled sasana Kadoebi Boxing House could be used by turns by Chris John and Enoki as well as could be watched by the public. Chris John received the allocation of the exercise on the Saturday (18/10) afternoon, whereas Enoki on Monday early afternoon (20/10).


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