The US military accidentally sending anthrax bacteria

The US military accidentally sending anthrax bacteria were still alive to a number of laboratories in nine states and a US base in South Korea.  

A US official on Wednesday (27/05/2015), said, apparently an attempt to kill the anthrax bacteria were conducted last year ended in failure. The Pentagon said that so far have not obtained a report related to a person has contracted the infection or a risk to the public. However, at least four US civilians have undergone preventive measures, including the provision of anti-anthrax vaccines, antibiotics, or both. 

Meanwhile, 22 US military personnel in South Korea also underwent medical steps to prevent anthrax infection even though so far not seen any signs of an anthrax exposure. "Four people in the US face a minimal risk," said Jason McDonald, spokesman for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is currently investigating the incident.

 If the anthrax virus spread into the air, then the virus can cause a deadly disease called respiratory disease anthrax. The situation never occurred in 2001 when the anthrax virus mailed to government offices and media that left five people dead. Anthrax virus, which originally came from a military lab in Utah, should be sent in an inactive state as part of efforts to develop a test to identify biological threats.

 "As a precaution, the defense ministry has suspended the delivery of this material from all our laboratories pending the outcome of the investigation," said Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren. Now all the samples to be examined have been sent to CDC or the agency laboratory to undergo further examination. CDC also sending experts to the scene to conduct field investigations.


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